Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hints and Tips-Work From Home

 Hints and Tips for setting up a Work From Home Facility

1.   Establish some ground rulesIntroduce your household with your working hours and make sure your kids or flatmates know that while you are at home, you are also working. 
2.   Place your work-related belongings around the laptop or your PC, to simulate the set up you have at your office.
3.   Choose a space and time frame where and when you’ll work
4.   Place your work-related belongings around the laptop or your PC, to simulate the set up you have at your office.
5.   Your desk should be wide enough for you not to feel cramped in.
6.   Pick a chair that is comfortable, the one that will not leave you with a backache after the second day of remote work. Or, step out, get yourself at the balcony and enjoy the fresh air while doing your job, enjoy the sun but don’t forget to put yourself on mute while you are on a conference call.
7.   Take breaks, make yourself some coffee, tea, juice or snack, but make sure you don’t overdo snacking and have actual meals. 
8.   Set a Schedule : You don’t have to be in a pantsuit, but make an effort, since this will set the mood and you’ll focus more easily. Your body will figure out, we advise you to set your schedule and work accordingly. 
9.   Don’t forget to move around every now and then! A quick stretching session or even a stroll around your apartment will do! Analogue breaks are a must!
10. Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health- The easiest thing one can do when faced with working from home for the first time is to neglect their mental health. The stress of communicating exclusively online, not being surrounded by your coworkers, and waiting in line for your turn to speak, can put a strain on your wellbeing. The best thing to do is to adopt instead of resisting

Article by : Sampath Sri - LK Domain Registry
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