ICT skills development project on Joomla Web development program was held on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July 2022 for 3 days at Buttala Nenasala Centre.

The Principal of Mo/Siddhartha College and the Skill Development Officer of Buttala Divisional Secretariat participated on the inauguration of the above Program.
Participants of the above program are from Monaragala District are as follows :
1). Mo/Dutugamunu National School - 20 students,
2). Mo/Siddhartha College - 10 students
3). Mo/Waguruwela College - 10 students.
40 students of above schools participants were divided in to 8 groups and given an opportunity of creating a website of their own theme.
22 students of the above schools are studying for Information Technology as a subject and will benefit in their Project work for further development.
Project Coordinator Mr. Sampath Sri Rajarathne and Project Manager Ms. Niroja Jayawardena joined via ZOOM on behalf of LK Domain Registry and provided financial assistance to conduct the above training program and provided refreshments to participants.

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LK Domain Registry
Address: 106 Dutugemunu St, Dehiwala 10350 - Sri Lanka.