Friday, July 19, 2024

Digital Basics Workshop for Empowering Small & Micro Entrepreneurs by

The "Digital Basics Workshop for Empowering Small & Micro Entrepreneurs by" was held on July 11th, 2024, at the Mini Auditorium, Nila Madura Complex, Narahenpita. This highly successful event aimed to provide essential digital skills to over 30 small and micro enterprises (SMEs). The workshop ran from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and was designed to be an interactive and engaging workshop, filled with hands-on exercises and practice sessions.

Participants actively engaged in various activities, sharing their experiences and knowledge with each other, which fostered a collaborative learning environment. The interactive nature of the session allowed attendees to gain practical insights into how digital technologies can be leveraged for their businesses.

By the end of the workshop, the feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed their appreciation for the valuable skills and knowledge they acquired, which they are eager to apply to their business operations. The workshop was powered by LK Domain Registry in collaboration with the Small Enterprises Development Division (SED) of the Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs, underscoring the commitment to empowering entrepreneurs through digital transformation.

Monday, July 15, 2024

What is Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence is referred to as an umbrella of technologies as it comprises of  several related technologies.

Advancements of Artificial intelligence have been greatly influenced by nature.

Rational behaviours of animals, insects, anatomical structure of human brain have greatly contributed for the evolution of Artificial intelligence.

AI has so many positives which can uplift the quality of the life of the mankind. However, careful and effective usage of AI advancements for the betterment of this world is crucial without violating the ethical foundations.